Thursday, February 27, 2020

Central African Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Central African Republic - Essay Example Reports from humanitarian organizations providing assistance to the multitudes of displaced and wounded natives reveal the prevalence of countless human rights violations perpetrated by the conflicting parties. Understanding the etiology of ethnic conflict in the Central African Republic entails analyzing possible factors that instigated upheaval between natives in the region (Bouchard). Ethnic violence in the region predates the recent December 2012 violent attacks beginning in one year after the current President Franà §ois Bozizà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s ascent to power in 2003. Michel Djotodia, leader of the UFDR based in the Northeastern region of the country instigated the Bush War, which involved indiscriminate violent attacks against the central government and its allies. Fighting spanned three years and finally ended in April 2007 after the signing of a peace treaty between rebel forces and the central government in Birao. All involved parties agreed to honor terms stipulated in the tre aty and work towards reconciliation. These included integration of rebel fighters into the central government’s army, a legitimization of UFDR, and provision of amnesty for the rebels affiliated with the UFDR. Amendments to the treaty occurred in 2009 resulting in the formation of a unity government and the setting of precise dates for the preceding local and presidential elections. Initially, both parties honored the terms of the agreement until President Bozizà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s re-election whereby, he returned to his inhumane treatment of the civilian population living in the country’s northern region. Torture, extra-judicial killings, and brutality against women and children propagated by the central government’s army became rampant in the northern region.

Monday, February 10, 2020

White Paper Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

White Paper - Case Study Example Frequent downtime of the Organization’s network turned out to be a serious business problem for MMPS. Considering the potential problems associated with the existing network of MMPS, a new technology that addresses the above discussed issues has to be incorporated in the Organization. Virtual Private Network technology (VPN) claims to be the most appropriate technology for MMPA to bridge the gaps left by the current environment. VPN is a fast, reliable, secure technology developed to cater the needs of the growing Organizations which have multiple offices or customer locations across the globe. A remote user who needs to access Organizations’ network is also benefited by this technology. 1. Economic Efficiency – VPN replaces expensive leased or frame relay lines and it enables to connect remote users to their corporate networks with reduced overall operational cost. In the case of a managed VPN service the savings can be even greater 3. Scalability - Organizations using a VPN can support expansion of network capacity and reach of the network by simply opening more accounts with their ISP (Internet service provider) without adding significant physical infrastructure Security risk -Inadequate protection of data at the point just before entering the VPN, or once after leaving the VPN because of improper assessment of risk arising out of VPN. Poor user credentials for authentication will cause cracking of credentials. Spread of viruses, worms, and Trojans from remote computers to the internal network is also a risk/ Third-party risk – Poor Choice of an third party service provider which follows poor management of processes. Poor relationship management with the third party may lead to abuse of data passing through VPN n.a (n.d). IS Auditing Guideline: G25 Review of Virtual Private Networks. Retrieved From