Sunday, December 29, 2019

Domestic Violence In A Relationship - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1029 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/16 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Domestic Violence Essay Did you like this example? Abusive act is a forceful conduct inside the home, ordinarily including the rough maltreatment of a companion or accomplice. A man can be triggered to abuse a person for no reason. Domestic violence is a critical issue in a relationship and it can prompt such a large number of harms such as, death, lifetime wounds and mental conditions. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men, (National Statistics). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Domestic Violence In A Relationship" essay for you Create order According to Domestic Violence Statistics website, The costs of intimate partner violence in the US alone exceed $5.8 billion per year: $4.1 billion are for direct medical and health care services, while productivity losses account for nearly $1.8 billion, (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2018). In the past, in United States, abusive behavior at home was viewed as preliminary offense, spouse beating was viewed as a joke and the case infrequently came to court, the issue was overlooked and denied. However, in this day and age, the issue has turned out to be more intricate than it was before. Indeed, aggressive behavior at home has turned into a basic relationship issue. Domestic violence is an adversity in our society and it is very terrible that a great many people that experience injury are ladies. Unfortunately, that with this dimension of training given to individuals a few men still want to force runs on their accomplice. It is known as one of the causes of untimely death for women in our society. The lament impacts that brutality leave on ladies cant be tolerated by mistreated person. A few ladies feel the need to remain in a harsh relationship in light of the dread of bringing up their children alone, in the mean time they dont understand the impacts it can have on the kids and also them. My auntie experienced something comparable, she remained in a harsh relationship for a considerable length of time due to the dread of bringing up her children alone, hardly does she realize it negatively affecting the children. The neighbors do not give careful consideration since they felt, it OK for couples to contend. The children watched their dad beat up my auntie for quite a long time, it is awful for the kids to understand. Now it is at a point where they are affected emotionally and mentally by the terrible situation. One day they had a contention and they begun shouting at one another, the spouse began beating her of course, to the degree that he pushed her annoyingly and she hit her head on the divider and passed away. The savage demonstration ended up with my aunties death. If my aunt really payed enough thoughtfulness regarding the savagery demonstration, and she let the world aware of what she was going through, it would have kept her from passing on and she would have been spared from her manhandled spouse long before the her death. I do not agree with my aunties reason for staying in an abusive relationship even though her husband got justified, the kids still ended up with no parent, it would have been better if she left the relationship and raise her kids alone than hurting them for life. Now the kids will face the consequences of her actions. Dread of not talking is another motivation behind why a few ladies cant break oppressive connections. They confront the maltreatment with loads of troubles and all they have left is a hopeless life to live. Most ladies are as yet not mindful of how to battle aggressive behavior at home and the ignorance in legal matters our general public is extremely absent. Women are afraid to report the crimes because they feel ashamed to go up and report to the police. Furthermore, they dont confide in the public eye as though the issue will prompt general society and they would confront more badgering from their very own general public. In the event that society can give more help against savagery, a great deal of ladies would be free from been manhandled. Another reason some women refuse to leave abusive relationship is because, their partner always control them, that they begin to attack their own sense of self and who they really are. They feel no one will need them. The assaults are repeated from days to months and years that they feel it cant be controlled. The injured individual might end up confused and start to question themselves and accept their accomplices accuse. The thought devastates their old personality and replace it with new one that matches with their accomplices. The abused person might feel people will not be prepared to acknowledge them because their spouse has labeled diverse awful names on, so the thought of people not accepting them, would let them sort of remain in an oppressive relationship without think of the lifetime injury they might get from the violence. In the event that society can see savagery from this point of view, and give oppressive ladies the regard they deserve, numerous ladies would be protec ted from damaging relationships. On the off chance that society can begin tolerating everyone for their identity without inspecting anybody, manhandled ladies would not be terrified to standup for themselves. They would voice out instead of staying silent. Voicing out can spare them from violence torment, as well as physical and mental maltreatment. In the event that they get supports required from the general public, they may get over the injury quickly. I hope the movement will lead to establishing legal avenues federally or state wise to put a stop to abuse and maltreatment. It is just a due limiting on the privilege to life of the person in question. Particularly ladies, it is a thing that requires to end as quickly as possible. There is a need to change the attitudes of the general population in our society and moreover assist the people in question by setting up an awareness, making the ladies of the general public mindful of the genuine repercussions of aggressive behavior at home and how to battle it, to avoid life time injuries and death.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Should Corporal Punishment Be Implemented Today - 1844 Words

Bringing Back Corporal Punishment in Today’s World To Parent in the United States and the General Public Corporal punishment, a physical means of disciplinary action, has been used throughout most of human history. While it may have been common many years ago, the issue of whether or not this style of punishment should be implemented today is highly debated among many around the world. To define corporal punishment more specifically, it is when a person, child or adult, commits an act that is considered wrong by others and physical force is used to discipline them. This could range anywhere from parents spanking their children as a way to keep them walking the straight and narrow, to government using corporal punishment on criminals to†¦show more content†¦The trend has shifted more towards verbal lashings from the parents as opposed to physical ones. While corporal punishment rates have dropped, using it once again should be reconsidered within the American homes and legal system as it has proven to work in other countries around the world. Instead of viewing it as a bad thing , it should be seen in, rather, as a necessary tool to teach right from wrong. Many argue that corporal punishment does not have the negative impact others claim, but is a very effective way of punishing someone when used in the appropriate way. Using it in the proper way, it can be a great tool to help ensure crime rates, and child behavioral issues, will cease to keep rising and stay at a tolerable level. A study showed that when there was a ban placed on corporal punishment there was also an increase in crime rate. In the article, Corporal Punishment Should be Reintroduced, it states â€Å"Between 1981, when corporal punishment was legal and in 1997, after the abolition of corporal punishment, there was a 67% increase in crime† (Corporal Punishment Should be Reintroduced 1). This study indicates a direct correlation between the use of corporal punishment and the rate fluctuation of crimes. This could be attributed to the fact that when individuals feel physical pain in response to a particular action, theyShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Case Against C orporal Punishment787 Words   |  4 PagesThe Case Against Corporal Punishment As the crime rate in our country grows, teaching our children right from wrong is one of the most important tasks facing educators. At some point or another, this task will require some sort of disciplinary action. In years past, schools used corporal punishment to discipline children. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Three Heroes Free Essays

Once upon a time, thousands of years before the dinosaur era began lived a race of mythical beings. Some lived peacefully amongst the humans and some were known to roam the earth causing destruction and reeking havoc in all that crossed their path. This is a tale of three friends, one in particular Garth, who has magic that is spellbinding, strong and even breath taking. We will write a custom essay sample on The Three Heroes or any similar topic only for you Order Now In a small village named Bowerstone, located on the shores of a thriving lush green land, there lived three friends in a small cottage, Hannah, Garth and Reaver. The village of Bowerstone was small and very quiet with a tiny population of only 78 people. One night, during a common feast of the people, a group of rebels arrived and demanded all the gold of the people. They did not know that the people were poor, lived off the land and had no use for gold. The rebel commander Leon, screamed at the people to comply and when they didn’t he drew his sleek ancient sword made by the sacred templar elves, and destructively slaughtered every person and started fires throughout the village. Luckily for Hannah, Garth and Reaver, they did not attend the feast; instead they practiced their skills in the shadowy meadow. Hannah trained for agility and accuracy with her bows, Garth mastering his power to control the magic of the templar elves and Reaver had the strength of an ogre. They did not know their fate, but together they would change the future. When they returned to the village, it was burnt to the ground, houses charred, and village folk reduced to ashes, no one survived. Hannah fell to her knees; her eyes welled with tears that soon started to drop from her face. Garth made his way to Hannah with intentions to comfort her but before he reaches her, a bright light appears out of the darkness. A man appears from nowhere his body covered in glowing blue lines. He approaches the three, whispering, â€Å"Come with me†. Cautiously they look at each other, and agreeing to go with him they slowly touch the glowing stranger’s hand and disappear into the cold night. Two years have past and Hannah, Garth and Reaver have been living happily in a castle not far from their old ruined village with the stranger whose name is Hapes. One day Hapes explained how their fate was slowly unfolding, how the rebels destroying the village were part of the prophecy, that three heroes would rise and destroy the rein of terror of the rebels. This surprised them but they were ready to go on a perilous journey. They went back to their chambers and visited the armoury on the way where they acquired robes, weapons and potions. They were now ready to leave the safety of the castle and face the rebels who had killed their fellow villagers. Hannah and Reaver counted on Garth to use his magical powers to locate the rebel’s base. They started their voyage on foot, crossed the bridge of trolls, and then made their way through the dim dragon caves where the rebel secret entry is hidden. Here they would find the leader and kill him satisfying their appetite for revenge. When they arrived at the bridge they met three massive trolls, they were dressed in leather vests, heads protected with silver helmets, their chunky arms clenching wooden clubs, their intention to defend the pathway of the bridge. With no hesitation the three charge toward the trolls, ready to slay all they cross their path. Suddenly Garth’s hands started to glow, a fireball slowly emerging in his hands. With anger growing, he hurls the fire at the trolls, knocking one into flowing water below the bridge. The troll sinking out of sight drowns as bubbles start popping out of the water. Hannah pulls out her bow, loads a thin arrow onto the string and pulls back with complete control. The trolls start to charge, Hannah releases her arrow. It penetrates through his silver helmet, his eyes glaze over as he falls to the ground with a loud thud. Reaver charges toward the remaining troll, with his axe held high, he jumps into the air and chops off the trolls head in one massive blow. They had just killed one of the most feared creatures in the world. They felt invincible and thought to themselves that nothing could stop them now. With adrenalin rushing through their bodies and smiles of success, they continued their journey to the dragons cave. Arriving at the cave; the ground starts to shake and from the darkness, appears an ancient krayt dragon! Hannah pulls out her bow and shoots an arrow into the chest of the dragon, it snaps and falls to the ground. The dragon inhales, chest expanding and with all his force he spits a deep red fireball at Garth. Garth amazingly absorbs it and throws it back toward the dragon, unfortunately causing no damage. The dragon lifts up its giant claw and swings it at Reaver, hitting him and flinging him over 50 metres into the air, landing lifelessly onto the cave floor. When all hope appears lost, Garth’s face lights up; he remembers reading an ancient dragon book on how to defeat them. Focusing on his skills, his hands light up a bright blue, he aims his hands at the dragons mouth, the dragons mouth opens, as he inhales preparing for another fireball, Garth sees his chance, he fires lightening into the mouth of the dragon and it explodes into a shower of jewels! Hannah and Reaver cannot believe their eyes, huge diamonds, rubies, emeralds, every jewel in the world, but before they could even touch one, they remembered Reaver. They rushed to his side and found Leon the rebel holding him in a headlock, he was holding a short dagger to his neck and strangely Hapes was standing beside Leon. Hannah hesitates, not understanding why Hapes would be siding with the rebel, but feels he has betrayed her; she quickly pulls out two daggers from her leg holster and throws one at Leon and one at Hapes. The first dagger impales Hapes’ heart, his body falls to the ground. The second dagger Leon dodges but he lets go of Reaver. Reaver sees this opportunity and draws his sword swinging it at Leon. The dirty rebel blocks the strike with his sword of the elves. Garth fires a bolt of lighting at Leon, it zaps him and he disintegrates. His soul dark and heavy drifted downward into the earth, never to be seen again. They returned to the castle to break the news to the people living there. The people couldn’t thank them enough for what they had done. The rein of terror from the rebels was over and the people felt a heavenly relief. No longer did they need to worry about raids. How to cite The Three Heroes, Essay examples